Thursday, August 28, 2008

24 hour observation of technology use

Technology is a huge part of my life. I wake up every day to my cell phone alarm, and then proceed to go on the internet to check my e mail, facebook, and the news. When I’m on my way to class I’m texting or calling someone on my cell phone. Because my friends and I all have different schedules, we text constantly throughout the day to see when we can meet up or get lunch. All my home work is done through the internet, checking my email to see if my professor’s sent anything, or going on blackboard to look for posted assignments. I’ll sometimes i-chat with my friends from home online too in order to keep in touch. Yesterday I was having trouble with my printer, so I was texting people to see if they could help. I eventually went to Office of Information Technology and they sent someone to help. It seems if any technological error occurs, my life is put on hold. Before I go to bed, I'm either texting or talking to my friends on my cell phone, and then I'll watch a show or movie on my laptop. I definitely have a patterned schedule of technology uses throughout my day.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

First Post

This is my first post, I've just created my new blog.